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Witch's Blog


Writer's picture: Harmony RoseHarmony Rose

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

Hex Appeal: The Malefic Side of Spellcasting

One of the most common questions I get about witchcraft is whether to hex or curse. This is a hot-button topic widely debated in esoteric circles, witches’ forums, and on social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok. And while every witch’s path and practice are different, there is a dark side to baneful magic with serious repercussions that can upset the sacred balance of the universe. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your witchy journey, the following information will provide some helpful insights and guidance for your practice.


What is a “hex” and “curse”?

First things first – what exactly is a “hex” or “curse”, and are they the same thing? Yes and no. A hex is a spell that sends negative energy to an intended target but only short term, either for a specific season, duration of time, or until the lesson is learned. A curse is much more powerful and can be directed at a person, family, place, bloodline, etc. There are some curses that can last for generations. Both types of baneful magic are intended to bring misfortune to someone and can be done either consciously or unconsciously which makes the practice not only unethical but dangerous as well.


A few examples of hexes/curses include:

·         Binding spells – used to prevent someone from causing harm to someone else.

·         Hex bags – small pouches with herbs, crystals, and other items that possess potent energy and used to cause misfortune.

·         Death curses – an extremely powerful curse that causes irrevocable harm or death to someone else.

·         Love curses – a spell for someone to fall in love against their will.


*Full transparency – I’ve used binding spells and freezer spells in my own practice but only under extenuating circumstances. I do not advise beginner witches to partake in baneful magic without proper training or supervision.


The Cultural Significance of Baneful Magic

For a millennia, witches all over the world have practiced malefic magic in one form of another. From Voodoo and domination work to ethically questionable love spells, many cultures who have suffered from colonization, oppression, and genocide have more relaxed views of hexing and cursing. For some, it was a matter of survival where the wounds were so deep, witches had no other choice than to hex or curse their oppressors. While hexing and cursing may have been a part of the complex milieu of the burning times, today’s modern witch has a choice yet many still use malefic magic as a tool for justice for those guilty of wrongdoing.


The Law of Three and the Ethics of Witchcraft

On the other hand, there are witches, me included, who do not practice malefic magic, choosing instead to follow the Rule of Three or Threefold Law. The Rule of Three asserts whatever energy a witch sends out to the universe – positive or negative- will return to them threefold. 


The Law of Three can be traced back to Wicca founder Gerald Gardner and it’s interpretation varies depending on the practitioner. Some believe the energy will return in three separate instances. Others believe the original energy will be amplified three times over. For example, a spell cast with harmful intent may result in three separate misfortunes or a single major consequence.


All malefic magical practices are designed to strip the intended target of free will – something we are given upon incarnating on earth to help us navigate the human experience. To deny someone their free will is in direct contrast to the universal Law of Attraction, or the belief that we create our own reality and what you put out into the universe will come back to you whether you like it or not. If our external reality is a direct reflection of our consciousness, why would anyone want to attract negative energy through the practice of baneful magic?


Regardless of its interpretation, the Threefold Law is a powerful reminder of the profound impact we as witches have on the world, a poetic expression of cause and effect. It encourages us to act with integrity and respect the harmonious balance of our interconnected universe.


Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch?

Many people think that if a witch doesn’t hex or curse, she/he is not a “real witch”. I call BS. Real witches are healers. They are wise women and men who choose to empower themselves rather than disempower others. Real witches with integrity choose love and light over fear, anger, or retribution.


A hex or curse may seem like a good idea in the short term – to deal with a cheating boyfriend, an unfair teacher, or a mean boss – but it’s just kicking the karmic can down the road and into the next lifetime. So, the next time you feel the need to hex someone, ask yourself, is it really worth it?



Mystic Witch Harmony Rose is a solitary witch with over 30+ experience in the craft, a certified E-RYT200, Yin & Shakti Yoga Instructor, Shamanic Life Coach, Retreat Facilitator, Womb Priestess, Yoni Steam Facilitator, Divine Feminine Mentor, Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Teacher. Her passion is bringing women to gather as sisters on the path of healing trauma held in the womb so they may return to wholeness. She offers women’s healing retreats, classes, one-on-one training & mentorship, and much more. Visit for more information.


1 comentário

10 de set. de 2024

Great article!

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