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Lion’s Gate Portal

The 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal: Unlocking Cosmic Energies



The Lion's Gate portal also known as the 8/8 portal, occurs annually on August 8 and this year the astrology couldn’t be more potent! The Lion’s Gate portal is an annual alignment when Sirius, the earth, and the sun line up directly in the sky. This alignment creates a powerful gateway allowing higher frequencies and cosmic wisdom to flow into our reality, upgrading human consciousness and assisting with our journey to ascension. Read on to learn more about the 8/8 portal and how you can amplify this manifestation energy in your life.


The Astrological Significance of the Lion’s Gate


Sirius Connection: Sirius, also known as the “Spiritual Sun” is the brightest star in the sky. Ancient civilizations revered it as a source of divine knowledge and wisdom. The Lion’s Gate occurs when Sirius becomes visible after a period of invisibility due to the sun’s yearly passage.

The name “Lion’s Gate” originates from its occurrence during Leo season, a time when solar energy is at its peak, making it ideal for manifestation. This year, the portal opens on August 8 and could extend through August 13. When Sirius arises due to the sun’s passage, it symbolizes abundance, wealth, and fortune.


 Lion’s Gate Numerology: This year’s Lion’s Gate portal is extra potent because the year 2024 is an 8 year (2+0+2+4 = 8). Some even call it the “Galactic New Year”. The number 8 in numerology represents infinity and DNA activation, enabling us to accept the energy of Sirius into our very core and upgrade the memory of our cells. This allows us to bring more peace, harmony, love, and healing to our lives.


Ancient Egyptian Cosmology


While the Lion’s Gate is a relatively new idea, it draws from Ancient Egyptian wisdom. The Ancient Egyptian’s observed celestial events with no tools, relying solely on the planets and stars. That said, Orion’s Belt and Sirius aligned perfectly between the Pyramids of Giza and could be witnessed every year on 8-8.  Moreover, the flooding of the Nile River corresponded with the 8/8 portal. The Egyptians viewed this time as one of fertile abundance as the nectar of the river sustained life for the people. This happened at the same time Sirius was closest to the earth and marked the end of one cycle and the opening to a new cycle.


Living sky astrology, the astrology used by the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations, would have shown the 8/8 portal as the transition from Cancer to Leo. In western astrology, we’ve been in Leo for a while. The Lion’s Gate happens as the sun is in Leo. Leo is known as the Lion/Lioness, the courageous, natural leader who exists within us and the natural guardian of the heart. At the entrance of the pyramids were two lions facing away from each other. This represented an ending or saying good-by to one cycle and an opening to another cycle. Ancient drawings show us the original Sphinxes as having a feline-like body and possibly the head of a lion before being replaced with a more human-like face.


Moreover, the Lion God – Aker – is known as the protector of sleeping bodies exploring the dreamlands of shadow and spirit, ensuring the soul would reenter the body safely and awaken once again in this life. In addition, Archangel Ariel is known as the Lioness who oversees this sacred gateway along with Sekhmet, the Lioness Goddess. Sekhmet is connected to Sirius in Egyptian teachings and is a powerful fierce goddess to honor as she destroys evil to purify the earth for Maat – the Egyptian goddess of war, power, and healing. Sekhmet and Ariel can help you realize your true potential by creating an altar for them or using their energy in your spell work. 


Harnessing the Powerful Portal Energy


By now you may be wondering what this means for us now in modern times? Great question! It means embodying an aspect of yourself that is ready to shine and addressing what’s being pushed to the surface currently as an old cycle makes its exit. This is a time to look around your life with heartfelt gratitude in awe of all you’ve created. By doing so, you call in more life to be thankful for! Let go and allow an ending of a cycle to take its natural course while ushering in a new cycle.


Repeat this affirmation as many times as you can:

Thank you. I Accept. I Receive.


Allow these words to override all old belief systems that you came into this life with, as they could be the blocks that need to dissolve for your embodiment to really take root. What you seek truly seeks you, your only work is to trust the process through surrendering the attachments of the mind. Our thoughts become our reality, and this is why it is so important to remember that we control our thoughts, not the other way around.


Other Ways to Amplify the 8/8 Energy


·         Self-alignment – tap into your inner awareness and positivity. Connect with the moon, stars, and sun.

·         Speak or journal your intentions – express your desires either out loud or on paper. Be specific about what you’d like to manifest during this time. Radiate positivity!

·         Let go – break free from old and limiting belief systems. Work to become the best version of yourself.


The portal opened at the end of July and will close on August 13 however on August 8, the alignment will be exact. Take some time to really drop into the possibility that is present. Ask your higher self what is it that I am ready to step into, and then ask to be shown just how effortless it can be to step into this aspect of yourself. What you do with this energy is up to you!


Blessed Be.


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